December 04, 2010

Leave that sit for the fat man!

I think.
People underestimated the need for proper descriptions...
In a society with dominating visual invasion, where everything are portrayed in pictures and arts, words may seem stupidly unnecessary.
But I think this is the reason for extensive miscommunication.
Words are powerful, underrated, and carelessly used.
I'm not kidding you!
It is horrifyingly influential in our everyday life!

You know why?
Because not everyone is a designer.
Not everyone, comprehend artistic creation the same way.
A picture says a thousand words, like people have always been saying.
That's a 3 pages of A4 papers filled with font size 12 Times New Roman words with 1.5 spacing!
That is a huge number of words to consume, don't you think?

I take at least 2 days to write all those words at times.
Imagine your brain have to consume all that from just a picture!

I saw this simple message in an LRT star today when I was taking the train home.
Clearly, with an average mentality, you would assume
the priority seating zone is saved for any parent with a small kid, a pregnant lady, a lame person, and a person who is physically challenged (kat kaki).
That was my first sweep generalization.
Aka, simply assuming =D

When I saw the sign board, I quickly picked my legs up and moved to a place where I actually belonged,
Standing in a small corner.

As I moved away, ironically, there were healthy moving young adults casually taking my previous spot when it was clearly not mine or theirs to begin with!
How are they different from me that makes them think they can just sit!
Tsk tsk tsk...

Then I looked back at the message, wondering what went wrong that these people couldn't understand the picture the way I understood the picture.

After a few minutes of staring, my frustration went off and I finally understood why those people were casually sitting on those spots!

Nope, they didn't miss the message.
Nope, they are not rude.
They are just following the sign board!
I looked again back at the passenger sitting on the priority zone.
His belly was bigger than my dad's.

Big bulging belly, and sitting.

I mean, the picture didn't clearly state what those picture stands for.
It can mean anything!

On first impression, I tot the little figure sitting on the another person is a child sitting on his or her parent.
How simple minded right?
If you think a little deeper with your modern mentality,
it could mean....

A lady sitting on a man!
Or two people casually sharing sits!

Why must it be a child and their parent?
Can't the guy be a pedophile and the small figure on him is his partner?
Won't it be relevant that the priority zone is catered for people who are willing to share the sit with another person sitting on their lap? MAKE SENSE RIGHT?

I guess those healthy men sitting on those sits were just waiting for some lucky chick to share the sit....

And what's with the big belly picture with lines?
How sure are you it means pregnant lady?
The stickmen got some femininity meh?

It can mean a really really fat man or women (no gender bias kan) with a big belly.
The sign is trying to say, save the sits for fatter people because they couldn't stabilize their weight if the train swing from left to right!
Fat people have weaker legs because they have to balance on extra weigh. It is scientifically proven.
Or it may mean that it is not healthy for any who have just filled up their stomach to stand because it is bad for digestion!

Like I sad... A thousand word.

THE THIRD PICTURE IS JUST PLAIN "Lame People Discrimination."
I don't recall lame people are 100% hunched back.
Are the designer trying to say that these lame people are so weak they can't even hold their heads up high?
Are the designer trying to say that they PITY THESE LAME PEOPLE FOR SUCH LAME REASON?
Can't the stick man be sitting straight?
What's with the hunch?
Not right lor...

The last one is a bit obvious but I still think brains that are more active than mine could think beyond the crane. =D
All I thought was people with knee length boots deserve a good spot for their terrible fashion =P

What I'm trying to say is....
Good job designers...
I find your sign board extremely hilariously especially when I was in such moody mood.
But I think a little more words could be more effective to carry out your meaning cause people using the public transport these days are obviously not comprehending and respecting your message.
I think, words would help.
Please hire mass commers like me and put us into good use in explaining your message =D LOLZ

What about you guys?
Any inspiration from those four figures?

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