The rumour is true
I didn't go to Nasional Service..
Due to some health problems
So I have to return when I get better!
Can't want to heal from this terrible pain and join my friends under the hot sun for some mud bathing... All the joy I'm missing just because I wasn't born in a good body..
Bad body
Anyway.. I went Cameran Highland instead...
With Wai Lun's family, Ami Kuku, Mui Ah Kuku, and Carmen's mother.. ^^
Since Wai Lun was not there with me to cam whore around the rural area...
I replaced him with my younger cousins!!
Hotel Cameron Highland
Swimming Pool Pun Tak Ada...
Me and my teenager cousin
Wai Lun's Family
The girls
Porceline Face.. Crap
My Pretty Pretty Auntie
Come back fast
And drink with us! ^^
Funny stuff cousins do
We can actually eat raw corns????
This is my first time
I notice I can't hold on to a knife... CHOP CHOP CHOP
OFF your finger go!